Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Live, Learn, and Soldier On!

Soooo, today we set off bright and early for the Evert Trail Preserve in Pemberton. As you can see from the picture on the website (below) this looks like an easy stroll in a verdant preserve:

Well, to quote The Other Guys, "I call b###s### on that!" This trail was extremely overgrown, so much so that I told my mom afterward that I should have brought a machete. I was not suprised to find downed trees after the recent storms, and to be honest, it was kinda fun scrambling over and under them. That's all part of the experience. But the rest of it was kuh-razy! The trail map shows that there are 24 trail markers along the way, and things to see, but there were no brochures at the trail head to tell you what each marker signifies, nor are they available online as far as I could find. You will find most of the markers, but they are just numbers carved into poles, nothing more. And the things on the map, like Wildflower Way and The Hole? We could not find them at all. At the marker for the Hole, the trail just ends. Dead end. Not even a depression in the ground as far as we could see.

All that being said, we did manage to find some fun along the way. We have no idea what the heck this vertical wall of vegetation is/was, but it was cool to find!

What the heck is the Little One doing in this picture??
And the foodie in me was excited to find fiddlehead ferns (not the best picture):

At the end, I told the girls I was proud them for "soldiering on" when this trail was shaping up to be something other than we thought. They were proud of themselves too, but we all agreed we'd never grace this trail again. Well, maybe if we get notified that someone has made this trail his Eagle Scout project or something...but probably not! And I will make every effort to "pre-hike" any more trails sponsored by the NJCF.

One bright note: despite the jungle-like conditions, no one seems to have poison ivy/oak/sumac so far (knock wood)!!

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