Friday, June 22, 2012

Wenonah Lake Trail

What a fun trail! It is ungodly hot and humid today with no breeze to speak of, so my original plans for doing several of the trails in the Wenonah Conservation Area were modified to just the Wenonah Lake Trail. It's 0.5mi, with the trail head at the Wenonah Lake parking lot. This is a fairly narrow trail, so single file is the order of the day if you're conscientious about protecting the trail. It is not a blazed trail, so by all means take a map (we did a double-back on one section when Mama was out voted about which trail was correct initially -- I was very, very good about not gloating =)...). Some of the trail markers are tricky to find, so yeah, take the map! Also, a lot of the "connectors" seem to be not accessible, e.g. the one shown for the Monongahela Brook Loop off Lenape Trail. It should run between two homes, but it doesn't look like there is any gap.

Our little one really liked all the foot bridges and how the trail meanders to and fro. The big girls liked how the trail was hilly -- up, down, up, down. Considering the oldest is a Hunger Games fan and the middle one sometimes pretends she lives in the Warrior Cats universe, this had big appeal! I like how I can modify the length of a hike by picking and choosing which sections to hike. One of the trail bridges was actually being repaired while we were there, and the girls were stoked when the volunteer told them they were the first to walk across the new bridge.

I forgot my camera, so mobile phone pics will have to do:
One of the foot bridges

The cutest 5yo hiker in the world!
Leading the way for a good portion, too!

No clue why this is so small, if you know why let me know!

We'll probably hike more of the Wenonah trails soon. Not sure what's on the agenda for next week yet....stay tuned!

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